Able Homes

We currently have four beds available

To contact us:

Phone: (434) 821-2020

Phone: (434) 426-3613

Fax: (434) 821-2020


About Us


Able Homes is committed to providing services that offer 24-hour supervision, training, assistance and support for each client. 


Our services utilize a team concept, which includes the participation of family, friends, advocates, community, professionals and volunteers.



Each client’s worth, dignity, and right to be treated with respect

The right of each client to participate fully in decision affecting his or her life

Each client’s right to be protected from harm

We further believe in:

Providing timely services in the least restrictive setting which are accessible, affordable, efficient and adaptable to individual needs

Developing a well-trained and culturally diverse staff

Evaluating our services regularly as they relate to individual and community needs

Working cooperatively with other agencies and organizations to provide our community with fully integrated services

Sample bedroom

Serving our Clients

Serving our Clients:

We believe in:

The garden